11 February, 2010


Luke 16:19-31

The famous Beatle, John Lennon wrote the words, “Imagine there’s no heaven it’s easy if you try:
No hell below us – above us only sky!”

But the moment he died, his wife Yoko Ono said, “John’s now in heaven!” It’s interesting how people believe when it suits them!
There are 3 possibilities after death: 1) Extinction; 2) Oblivion (soul sleep); 3) Consciousness
(a fourth could be reincarnation – but I’ll refer to it later)
1)      Extinction: This is unlikely, since all human cultures have recognised the reality of life after death – and have made preparation for it – even to the extent of the Egyptians! In any case, we can observe man’s spiritual component in the way he loves and hates, has joy and sorrow etc. And human beings have a desperate search for the Infinite!

2)      Oblivion is the idea that we die both physically and spiritually until the Day of Judgment. Jesus said Lazarus was ‘sleeping’ but He referred to the state of his body rather than his spirit.
3)      Consciousness:  The Bible teaches that we remain conscious for eternity! In James 2:26, he defines death as the body without breath or spirit! Death then, is the separation of body and spirit! Paul in 2 Corinthians describes our body as a tent – a temporary dwelling (an appropriate example for a tentmaker!) A modern equivalent is a car – you can climb in and out of it, but you are still you – and you can leave the car behind – it is not part of you!

Solomon said in Ecclesiastes 12:7, “The dust returns to the ground it came from and the spirit returns to God!” Eternal life however, begins the moment we receive Jesus as Saviour and Lord! Jesus said, “He who believes in me shall live, even though he dies!”Death becomes a momentary change of state – but the essential person lives on!

What evidence do we have for this?  Seances?  These are demonic impersonations of the dead.
Revival? There are many documented cases of people with ‘near death experiences or NDE’s.
(See DVD clip of girl who after dying saw a red shoe on the roof of the hospital)
Dr Maurice Rawlings was a doctor who became a Christian as a result of patients describing their NDE’s. (Description from one man who went to hell and was allowed to return).
But the Bible is a more reliable source – The parable of The Rich Man and Lazarus gives many insights – especially the fact that Jesus rose from the dead to give us Life!
True Teaching – Hebrews 9:27 says, “It is appointed unto man once to die – and then the Judgment! This automatically excludes reincarnation! (which is also a form of demon possession).Therefore, we know there is no second chance! And there is no purgatory – even the Catholic church now denies it!

The Bible declares in Romans 8 that even death cannot separate us from the love of God! Death itself is not painful. In fact, it is a release from pain! (Peter Marshall’s story of the boy taken from one room to another) But the reading shows us that death is also a separation of those who belong to Jesus and those who don’t! Jesus told the thief on the cross, “Today you will be with me in Paradise!” And this is the destiny of all born-again Christians! King David in Psalm 17:5 looked forward to being in God’s presence after death! And Paul in Phil 1:23 said, “To live is Christ but to die is gain!” Also, Jesus met with the dead Moses and also Elijah on the Mount of Transfiguaration!

Those who die without Jesus end up in Sheol or Hades. And a great chasm separates those who are His and those who are not! Heaven and Hell are the destinies of those awaiting the Great Judgment which follows the resurrection of all the dead – including ourselves!

Our eternal destiny is decided by the time we die. Everyone who lives to himself dies to himself – and has already chosen Hades and Hell as the reward for his choice! Like King Belshazzar, we have all been “Weighed in the balance and found wanting!”Laurie Gray says, the only right which all humans have is to go to hell! But for the Christian, we will not be judged for our sins! Jesus has already paid the price and declared us NOT GUILTY! Why not accept this free gift today?


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